Havens Wine Cellars 

WB Rating: 0

Alcohol by volume: 0.0%
Price at time of purchase: $0.00 ()
Principal varietal(s):

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User Comments:
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[  2003-02-27] This wine is the bargain of the decade. I would put it up there with any $10 to $12 wine. I\'m not sure what vineyard decant03 works for but for some reason he\'s going to trash this wine. I\'m not saying that i\'m a wine expert but I was told by someone who is one of the top wine collector\'s in california that I should give it a try, as he put it, if your going to spend $15 or less save your money and buy Charles Shaw it compares with 90% of the wines in that price range.  User Rating: 84.
[  2003-02-11] As we all know from school, there is no such thing as 100. We love this wine; we\'re traveling across the country with 6 cases of it tucked under the sofa in the RV. We\'re now in the \"dead zone\" between Tucson and Massachusetts--the distance between Trader Joe\'s. The six cases won\'t be enough to get us all the way to MA, but will get us close! Lest you think this our first 6 cases, we have been enjoying this wine for a year now. When they first started handling this they were throwing it into your shopping cart on your way out. We enjoyed many, many cases between then and now. This is a wine you will never, NEVER have to make an excuse for (unless you are drinking with someone who is all too sensitive to his poorly judged investment in $20+ Napa wines. We went from enjoying it at $1.99 in Silverado to 2.99 in Tuscon. At $3.99 in Boston it would be a bargain especially considering the East coast swill they are inclined to promote. Compared to this, the Tea Party may well become a non-event.  User Rating: 90.