2004 Buena Vista Merlot Carneros
Carneros, California
WB Rating: 89

Alcohol by volume: 14.4%
Price at time of purchase: $14.99 (Raley's)
Type: Merlot
Principal varietal(s): Merlot

I wasn't ready for a Merlot of this quality at this price point (on sale at Raley's), much less one from Carneros, which I always think of as Chardonnay/Pinot Noir country. But this wine had some of the comforting briary, chewy texture of a good Alexander Valley Cabernet, along with harmonious and surprisingly complex flavors of cherry and dark berry fruit, bittersweet chocolate, licorice, tobacco, and mint. Round and full in the mouth, smooth going down. Very good buy. - HK 2007-11-18


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