2000 Charles Shaw Winery Chardonnay California WB Rating: 75 Alcohol by volume: 12.5% Price at time of purchase: $1.99 (Trader Joe's) Type: Chardonnay Principal varietal(s): Chardonnay This was our second pass at this wine, as it was also tasted about a year ago and ranked in the low 70's. As was the case the first time around, the 2000 Chardonnay came across as drinkable, but uncomfortably distant from any sort of normal Chardonnay calibration curve. It exhibits spicy, sweet, somewhat cloying Muscat-like nose and flavors and a sweet finish. This wine definitely needs to be served cold. - WB team 2003-03-14 [Back] |
User Comments:
Click [here] to email us your comments/score and we'll append below. |
[paulk 2013-02-03] Yes, this is not your typical chard. But if you\'re open to sweet, fruity interpretations of the variety, give it a shot. It beat a $67 bottle in a Wines and Vines taste test. User Rating: 80. |
[maritima@juno.com 2003-03-26] This wine is made from kool-aid w/a little added alcohol.....a good vintage kool-aid though. User Rating: 90. |
[Desireeb 2003-03-12] I work for Trader Joe\'s in Az. If you are interested in purchasing some Chuck, email the type and amount at Desiree_Vino@hotmail.com User Rating: 90. |
[jjchip 2003-03-07] The Chard is Very smooth, soft butter, fruit. very drinkable and a great price. for the money the cab is great. the merlot is ok, I also have had many cheap and expensive wines that disipointed. The shaw wines are a bargin. User Rating: 78. |
[RB 2003-03-06] Here is the scoop:
http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/living/food/5319698.htm User Rating: . |
[RB 2003-03-06] I hesitate to write this because this is
the best value anywhere on Chard.
I should know because I am an avid chard
drinker and -really- cheap. I\'ve tried all
the budgets and this is the best.
I\'m on my third case of \"2 Buck Chuck\"
now and it is consistantly very drinkable.
For reference, Fetzer Sundial Chard is
one of my favorites in it\'s price range. User Rating: . |
[dave 2003-03-05] User Rating: 95. |
[IntenseCA 2003-02-17] Much has now been written about Charles Shaw - the urban legends myths are now all public. No airline had to dump the cases. It did not come from China. The price is a bargain, and the glut of grapes and oversupply is helping big time to drive the price to rock bottom. The Los Angeles Times had a front page story about this wine, and much of their wines is mass produced in the California central valley from a variety of grapes according to the Times. Regardless - the proof is in the taste. For 1.99 in California, and 2.99 in other states, it is indeed a steal. Best bargain in wine out there. Ive had a bottle or two that went bad, but thats a rarity. User Rating: 80. |
[wildww 2003-01-29] i have served it for 3 upscale parties without a problem and saved $5000. TY TJ\'s. User Rating: 85. |
[kelcema 2003-01-26] Well, I also work for Trader Joes in Washington state. If someone outside of the range of Trader Joes is interested in some Charles Shaw, I\'ll be happy to ship you some. It\'s $2.99 a bottle here in Washington, though... so plus shipping you\'ll be about $4/bottle. Give me a shout, tho, if you\'re interested. -Ray email: ray@kelcema.biz User Rating: 100. |
[PharmGhirl 2003-01-24] Oopps, I meant Trader Joe\'s. User Rating: . |
[PharmGhirl 2003-01-24] This is totally unfair!!! When I was living in CA, I frequented the Napa Wineries and still love them. My local store has started keeping my favorites in stock for me. All I want is 1 little bottle of the Charles Shaw. Apparently, Trader Jack\'s is the only place to get it. Out here is West Texas we don\'t have TJ. If anyone has any info,(winery contacts, where else to buy, ect.)Please, email pharmghirl@hotmail.com. Please help, I\'m on a mission. User Rating: . |
[myersfamily 2003-01-24] I was not surprised to find shoppers at the local Trader Joe\'s stocking up on 2-3 cases of the three available varietals. For $1.99 each, this wine is great for everyday drinking, but probably won\'t impress friends. Tuck away the good stuff for special occasions; keep on pouring the Charles Shaw!! User Rating: 84. |
[wino in the know 2003-01-23] okay...i happen to know the whole story about charles shaw, and so will everyone else if they watch moneyline tonight on CNN... User Rating: 85. |
[McDad 2003-01-22] A Bottle a day keeps the Doctor away. For every day, It is good. Chilled is the key to serving. User Rating: 85. |
[jonstraw 2003-01-14] I am not a wine snob. I just like good wine. I don\'t care what it costs, where it is from, etc. I have had terrible $50/bottle California wines, a great Chateau Latour \'82, and the best Chard I have ever tasted costs $28/bottle (Frank Family, Napa). Bottom line, this is a $8-$12/bottle chardnonnay. The fact that you can buy 4-6 bottles for that price makes this a steal. This is not a wine meant to impress your friends. It is a wine meant to be enjoyed with them. It is far better (and cheaper) than a jug wine like Woodbridge (how does Mondavi put his name on that?). User Rating: 82. |
[coquelin 2003-01-14] it is a good everyday wine that is not complex but for chinese take out or monday nite sipping with dinner works. I drink wine in all price ranges and this wine is pleasant and not confrontational. User Rating: 80. |
[lombo 2003-01-12] I think that the Charles Shaw wines are great bargains and are just as good as some wines that are $50 a bottle. I think \"felt02\" is probably a snob who thinks these wines are undrinkable because they are $1.99 a bottle. User Rating: . |
[felt02 2003-01-08] This wine, as with all the other $1.99 Shaw wines, is not suitable for drinking unless all you care about is getting drunk. I took one drink of the merlot and poured the rest of the bottle down the drain. Should have probably kept it for cooking--its only suitable purpose. User Rating: 50. |
[3djoe.com 2002-12-27] Great value--got the last two cases of Chard at a local TJ\'s and almost got in a fight over it. They get in new shipments several times a week so keep checking. Worth the trip! User Rating: 85. |
[Starling 2002-12-24] I buy this by the case, an incredible bargain for a dinner wine. Excellent served chilled, beats many $10-$15 bottles you\'ll find at the supermarket. Of course that\'s because many $10-$15 bottles at the supermarket are not very good. There are also $10-$15 bottles produced in Sonoma, Napa, Paso Robles and other places that are much better. Personally, I don\'t serve this to company. It\'s very drinkable, even enjoyable for the price, but hardly memorable. Buy this as an everyday table wine, and save those delicious winery finds for your special meals. User Rating: 80. |
[tramesh 2002-12-09] This is the best wine i ever had. I love the Merlot too. It has a sweetness and goes well with all food especially Salmon. User Rating: 90. |
[REvans 2002-12-01] This is good wine and the price is great. The Chard has a buttery taste and a nice finish if served cool, about 60 degrees. I think the airlines and cork screw story is a urban legand. There are other ways to remove a cork. Buy this one before it\'s all gone. Shaw\'s other wines are equally as good. You can\'t go wrong for $1.99 User Rating: 82. |
[starclass 2002-11-27] This wine is not from China, it was bought from American Airlines,AA bought 250,000 bottles and cannot serve it on the flights because of the new corkscrew law. The whole story is written in front of the wine at Trader Joes. User Rating: 85. |
[sprytnyjanek 2002-11-16] I think all the Charles Shaw wines must be comming from China Because where in the Calif is there a wine that can be produced for 1.99. The bottle must cost more than the wine. So there for the Chinese as shipping this wine by tanker to Calif. User Rating: 75. |
[wino77 2002-11-13] I don\'t know who winebork is, but I don\'t think his taste in wines is typical of the majority of wine drinkers. I work for a winery on the Central Coast of California that makes the best chardonnay most people have tasted, but they start at $20 a bottle. As an inveterate wine bargain hunter, I think the Charles Shaw chardonnay is probably best bargain I have ever found. People are buying it by the case/s at Trader Joes and almost everywhere I go someone is talking about how good it is for $1.99. I recently tasted it against Estancia, Clos du Bois, Gallo Sonoma, and Rodney Strong chardonnays and it held its own depending on the food. Buy all you can get. User Rating: 87. |