2012 Kendall-Jackson Chardonnay Grand Reserve
Monterey/Santa Barbara, California
WB Rating: 89

Alcohol by volume: 13.5%
Price at time of purchase: $12.99 (Costco)
Type: Chardonnay
Principal varietal(s): Chardonnay

This wine has really developed nicely over the past 9 months or so - it's a much more complete and interesting wine than it was 8 or so months ago. Nicely balanced, clean, crisp, yet creamy in the mouth. Complex mix of aromas and flavors - banana, coconut, honeyed citrus, crème brȗlée, nutmeg and clove spiciness, apricot in the finish. Cleanly made, refreshing, and an insane bargain at under $15. - HK 2014-11-10


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