2000 Montevina Winery Terra d'Oro Zinfandel Home Vineyard
Amador County, California
WB Rating: 88

Alcohol by volume: 15.9%
Price at time of purchase: $24.00 (from winery)
Type: Zinfandel
Principal varietal(s): Zin

More of a late-harvest feel than the 2000 Terra d'Oro Deaver Vineyard. Full-throttle fruit nose (loganberry, raisins, red licorice) with mouth-coating, unctuous, sweet fruit flavors and a lengthy finish. More power to Montevina for not holding back on these Terra d'0ro wines -- they're uniformly full-bodied, delicious, fun-to-drink, fairly priced Zins! - WB Team 2003-04-08


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