2010 Ridge Vineyards Geyserville
Sonoma County, California
WB Rating: 89

Alcohol by volume: 14.3%
Price at time of purchase: $38.00 (Winery)
Type: Zinfandel
Principal varietal(s): 64% Zin, 20% Carignane, 12% P. Sirah, 4% other

From a strange and difficult vintage for Zin, this Geyserville seems fatter and more forward than usual, drinking well at age 5, but lacking the grip and focus that often put the Geyserville in the superstar range. Ripe, velvety berry fruit with a dose of spice, beautifully balanced and with nothing out of sync - which is the expectation with Ridge Zins. - HK 2015-05-31


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