2000 Seghesio Zinfandel Home Ranch
Alexander Valley, Sonoma, California
WB Rating: 90

Alcohol by volume: 15.1%
Price at time of purchase: $22.00 (K&L)
Type: Zinfandel
Principal varietal(s): Zinfandel

It was a hard choice between this great Zin and the Seghesio Cortina. Together they're among the very best 2000's we've tasted -- unusual in that for most other wineries, we preferred the 1999's to the 2000's. This wine was a little less briery than the Cortina, but nearly as rich and long. Pure, deep, spicy raspberry/blackberry fruit are found along with sweet oak and a silky texture. Very fairly priced. - WB Team 2002-09-03


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