1993 Topolos Zinfandel Rossi Ranch
Sonoma Valley, California
WB Rating: 75

Alcohol by volume: 15.0%
Price at time of purchase: $12.00 (Library wine)
Type: Zinfandel
Principal varietal(s): Zinfandel

Unlike the '91, the '93 Topolos Rossi Ranch never grew out of the somewhat strange and funky character it possessed when young. The Rossi Ranch generally has some unusual/controversial flavors in its profile, but this one crossed over the line for us from unusual to almost unpleasant. The wine is powerful (15%) and extracted, but there is only a hint of berry fruit lost in the earth, licorice, and wet forest edge. It's partly a matter of taste, but this one was too far from the Zinfandel comfort zone for us. - HK 2000-07-01


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